Monday, July 20, 2009

Testimony on Pancha Karma and Shirodhara Therapy


After having followed three weeks of purification through the Pancha Karma therapy with Dr Martin, I wanted to add the following comments in this blog, wich are simply the effects of this treatment on me:

I easily quit all the things I was hooked on (tobacco, alcohol although not an alcohoolic, and more...)

All the anger I had almost completely vanished (divorce problem). It gave me the impression my whole life was just new!!!

And then three weeks later (this was three days ago), I finally started this meditation habit, wich allowed me to lower again my cigarette consumption (wich started anew because lazy as I am, I did not meditate at all after the Pancha Karma!

I'd like to finish by saying that the Shirodara experience is something so powerful it really takes away the need to smoke or drink, the mind is satisfied during the whole day.

Marc Onnestad